My name is Meghann Lewis. I am the owner of Bella Mente, a PCA Agency in the small Northern Minnesota town of Grand Rapids. As an agency owner I have had ample time to speak with clients and PCAs alike. We have composed a list of changes that are dire in the Minnesota Personal Care programs.
As an agency owner it is disheartening that no agency can afford to pay their well-deserving home care workers livable wages. For that matter, as an owner, I choose to pay my PCAs as high as I can financially go therefore starting wages are between $13.40-$14.00. Currently I run my agency with three administrative staff (Myself and 2 Qualified Professionals).
At Bella Mente we believe in caring for our clients and staff alike. For any Personal Care Agency in Minnesota to continue to operate and offer the dire services to our client Minnesota DHS must recognize the broken continuum of care. From lack of adequate reimbursement to agencies to strict regulations such as the SEIU.
Minnesota DHS must recognize that in order to increase PCA wages and offer benefits the agencies must be adequately reimbursed. As of 2019 PCAs received a well-deserving raise of 10% whereas Agencies were compensated less than half at 2%. This change cut the margins so thin many agencies have had to cut back significantly and some may be forced to close their doors for good. In turn these cuts directly effect the quality of care and the ability to find and keep Personal Care Assistants.
I have been in contact with my local Senators/Representatives and have reached out to many others. I will continue to reach out until we are heard. Together anything is possible. IT takes a team to lead. Let us lead! Please join me as we unite to demand change.
Please sign below to join this movement of change!
We demand higher, livable wages for our well-deserving Personal Care Assistants. We demand fair reimbursement rates as agencies. We demand the ability to improve care for the clients in dire need. We demand fair regulations from Minnesota DHS as well as the SEIU.
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